While much speculation exists on meditation’s actual origins, practices of “training the mind” date back to 1500 B.C.E. India. Many early mediation records are based in Hindu traditions while others date back to 3rd and 6th century B.C.E. China. It’s difficult to pinpoint when humans began this art of centering, grounding, and remaining present, but one thing is certain - it has stuck around and remains one of the best habits for fostering mental and physical well-being. Bonus: it promotes healthy, glowing skin.
The world in which we exist today demands energetic performances, fast-paced thinking, money-oriented actions, and the like. In trying to find happiness and fulfillment, we’re often left confused, exhausted, and stressed.
It’s no secret that mental and physical health and wellbeing relies on inner peace, purpose, and curiosity about the people and world surrounding us. Meditation helps us access these places within ourselves, allowing us to better turn outward and engage with our daily lives. Being in the present moment proves to reduce stress, quell anxiety, quiet worry, and reduce the risk of depression and other mood disorders.